Friday 17 January 2014


Shouted angrily at Clara. Full of regret. Coming out of the bathroom I could hear a spluttering shunting sound. On investigation I found the fridge freezer's compressor to be the source of the noise - very much sounding like it was on its last legs. When Clara took frozen peas out she didn't close the door properly, rather it looked like a sticking-out bit of plastic bag must have stopped the door sealing. Pound signs floated above my head. Cost of repair, replacement, cost of having someone lug away the 6 ft tall metal box. Not a good start. By the time I brought Noah down for his breakfast the fridge had stopped making the racket and *hopefully* will now put its feet up and have a rest.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


My day begin with the usual 4.30am inexplicable wake-up. It's like I'm anticipating Noah waking up, but he doesn't.
I snooze until the beeping started. The hour-earlier-than-planned beeping from the bread maker which should have gone off at 7am. I stumbled down to the kitchen at just after 6am, cooled the tin under the tap before knocking out the Seedy Italian - my own recipe. Yum!

I had trouble sleeping last night. I used all the wrong approaches for fighting insomnia, reading technical manuals, listening to old Kate Bush albums on Spotify.  The result is classic sleep deprivation -- feeling slightly floaty which I imagine is a symptom of having portions of my brain actually sleep while I stumble around trying to look mostly conscious.

Coming up to a month since I started learning Blender. What do you expect to learn in a month -- obviously that depends on the number of hours you put in and what exactly it is you are learning. Well after 26 days I have a basic understanding of modelling, some familiarity with the common keyboard shortcuts. However, I've already started to forgot things that I haven't used since I read/learnt about them.